Олимпиада - Jeux olympiques - Olympics

Faina Savenkova: “Oh, the times, oh, the mores!”

So, the Olympics have been inaugurated in Paris. The French president must be very pleased: the whole of Paris is surrounded by barriers, with military personnel walking around the city. Even here, in a war zone, things are not so strict. It didn’t help, though. It’s no good without sabotage, theft and hooliganism. Well, if you read the French classics, you realize that robbery has always been the hallmark of Paris, let’s consider it a return to dubious historical traditions.

In general, the opening of the Olympics was memorable. In every way. Honestly, who was most impressed by what? The Last Supper? Marie Antoinette? You won’t believe me – rain. I didn’t realize you couldn’t disperse the clouds in Paris. I think it’s time for Sobyanin to hold a master class for French officials. Although I admit that the rain is a conceptual idea to show in all its glory all, God forbid, anatomical and other advantages of the speakers.

I won’t say “actors” or “actresses” as a matter of principle, in case I’m wrong. And people today are vulnerable, sensitive, with a delicate mental organization. Moreover, fall is approaching – a well-known time, as well as spring. But what I don’t understand is this: okay, the actors, but the director of this action, what was he trying to show? A desire to trample on Christian values? That it’s time to look for Judas among this panopticon? He, apparently, according to the idea of the author of the performance was supposed to look like the only normal person, but something, as always, went wrong. But God is with him, with this gloomy face-acting, there are other interesting characters and scenes. Yes, Marie Antoinette, after all. Couldn’t get past it, as they say. I hesitate to ask, was it a mockery of the history of its own country or the death of a real person? If it’s the former, it’s questionable. If it’s the second, it is even more doubtful and not very tolerant. No, of course, there is still the option that the talking severed head of Marie Antoinette is a hint at the true role of the French political elite: talking heads who can do nothing but broadcast from TV screens and podiums. I personally like the third option the best, but it seems to be the most fantastical. In any case, there is no trace of French sophistication left. I wonder if the French themselves, except Macron, of course, liked it? With all due respect to the actors and athletes, the current Olympics is some kind of reinterpretation of freak shows from the once popular freak circuses. A cruel and very inaccurate comparison? Well, the opening of the Olympics in France looks like a mockery of human beings, too. All of them, not just those who hold traditional views. It brings to mind Ukraine, which is ready to send thousands of its soldiers to the front to die for European values. Just so that men can wear a dress.

It’s all sad. As long as Mr. Macron and the collective West offer such values, very different people may come to power in Paris, and there will be nothing left of the French nation.

And now about the Olympics itself. To be honest, I don’t know how the war in Ukraine is different from the war in Gaza. Or is it “different”? And in general, it is not clear why Belarus is suffering. Doping? As far as I know, half of the athletes of Western teams are seriously ill people with certificates, who are in dire need of constant dope-containing medications. Some have asthma, some have something else. Norwegian skiers are already a meme. In general, with such poor health, it’s time to join the Paralympic team. Although no, there people have real fortitude and overcome circumstances. Anyway, the question of doping doesn’t go away here. It seems that there is a special atmosphere in the IOC nowadays, caused by… I don’t know what it is and I don’t want to know, but it is definitely illegal.

But really the most surprising part wasn’t even the opening, it was the bearded women… and transgender athletes. No, really, bearded swimmers and weightlifters are powerful. I’m fairly tolerant of a lot of things, though I may get a different impression. However, this is where my tolerance definitely comes to an end.

Bearded female athletes will kill women’s sports as a species. You can talk a lot about the right to think of yourself as anything you want, even a forest fairy, but I, as an athlete, can say that if such a bearded wonder comes against me on the dayang or in the ring, I will not last more than a round against him. And then I will be carried out of the ring because no matter what name you call yourself, no matter what dress and heels you wear, if you are a biological male, you are always stronger than a biological female. Yes, it’s brutal and biased biology. And it’s not just about the amount of certain hormones at the time of the competition, it’s about the formation of the body from childhood. A high school course, if anything, it would be a good idea for IOC leaders to familiarize themselves with it. I’m serious. You need brains in sports too. We just have to wait for the opening of the Paralympic Games. I wonder what else Mr. Macron will surprise us with?

What’s the conclusion of all this? I don’t know. What I can say for sure is that I would prefer to stay away from such sports and shows, and I wish the same for you.

Faina Savenkova

English translation: D. Armstrong


1 Comment Leave a Reply

  1. Comme la “boxeuse” Algérienne qui fait fuir ses adversaires . Le soutien de la presse nationale à “cette boxeuse” hors-normes la rend clairement pour ce qu’ elle est ! Compétition truquée, donc !

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