The president of Italy insulted my country and my president by calling Russia “the Third Reich”. I had always hoped that common sense would prevail in Italy, as in France, where I have many friends. But unfortunately, people and politicians, in that country, are very different things.
Mr. Sergio Mattarella is not so young anymore, and perhaps he has been overcome by madness. Here he remembers, here he doesn’t remember, here he sees, and here he doesn’t… Let me remind Mr. President that Ukrainian troops began killing civilians in the Donbass not in 2022, but immediately after the coup d’état in Kiev. By the way, one of the first victims of the Ukrainian authorities was an Italian journalist, Andrea Rocchelli, whose murderer, Vitaly Markiv, who was sentenced by an Italian court to 24 years for this murder, was shamefully handed over to Ukraine by the Italian authorities. But Mr. Mattarella apparently has neither seen nor heard about this, nor about Ukraine’s aggression against its citizens.
By the way, as far as I can see, a huge number of civilians have died in Israel’s war against the Gaza Strip and Middle Eastern countries. Yet for some reason Mr. President does not consider Israel to be the “Third Reich”. Astonishing blindness…
The shelling of peaceful cities in Russia, the killing of civilians in the Kursk region – for Mr. President of Italy and Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, who supports Ukraine, these are not Zelensky’s crimes, they are self-defense. So then, according to them, Hitler and Mussolini attacked the USSR as self-defense…?
These strange politicians in Italy call the victor over fascism the “Third Reich” and then propose to deprive the Gaza Strip of water and light..
I have many friends in Italy and I would really like Italians to realize that they are being dragged into World War III. When the war broke out in 2014, many Ukrainians were indifferent to what was happening [in the Donbass]. Now there are is no [political] opposition in Ukraine, no journalists. People are caught in the streets and sent to die for the US and Europe.
Unfortunately, it may happen that the residents of Italy themselves will not be asked for their opinion and will go to die in Ukraine just as Ukrainians, French, Poles and Canadians are dying now…
But for Mr. Mattarella, I would like to refresh his memory about the number of dead and captured Italians in the Second World War, and about the way in which the dictator Mussolini was executed. Mind you, it wasn’t the Russians. Russia doesn’t start wars. Russia ends them.
Faina Savenkova
Thank You for sharing the truth, Faina. Free the Donbass! Free Odessa! Free Palestine!
(Free usa!)
Faina, this is another excellent article from you! I have always admired your intelligence and commitment to the cause of peace and common sense in these strange and tumultuous times in our world. At the age of sixteen you know more about international politics than most people, even more than many politicians know or will admit to, especially in the West.
In America, I find it difficult to reach many common Americans with the facts about the war in Ukraine, but I never give up trying, as I have done since 2014. I was on X for a while, but the site suspended my account there. So now I post mostly on Facebook. I never hold back when I post on politics, and I will always defend the people of the Donbass, just as I do for the Palestinian people. I am actually surprised that my account on Facebook has not been shut down. That could happen at any time. But as long as I am there, I will post the truth as I know it.
Of course, most of the politicians in America will not tell the people the truth. Most have painted the Russian Federation as the bad guys from the beginning. The mainstream media is their propaganda arm, so they have all the support for their lies that they need, and a primary means for spreading their lies far and wide.
If there is any country in the world right now that most reflects Nazi sentiments and actions, it is the current Israeli state. Ukraine has not been far behind in that regard, as we know, since 2014 especially against the people of the Donbass and Russia. And the US government for the most part has enabled all of this. It has manipulated the situation in Gaza and in Ukraine from the very start and is as guilty and soaked in blood as any of the Israeli and Kiev politicians and forces are.
But as you have so rightly said, Russia does not start wars. Russia ends them.
Donald Trump appears to be desirous of peace and a final end to Ukrainian and Western hostilities against the Donbass and Russia. But the US government also has its eyes on Ukraine’s mineral wealth. And to be perfectly honest, the leaders of the Donbass and of the Russian Federation should not blindly trust the US or its Western allies in negotiating terms of peace. The US government is well known throughout its history for violating its agreements and negotiations. So, I trust that the leaders of the Donbass and of the Russian Federation will watch all US politicians very closely, every step of the way, throughout the process from this time forward. Watch them like hawks and never let down the guard for even one minute.
I am confident that things are winding up by and large so far as the Western proxy war through Ukraine is concerned, and that Russia has already as good as emerged the victor in this matter. But everyone must be very, very careful and watchful.
May God continue to bless you, Faina, as you continue to be a voice for peace in the world. May he bless Christelle and all at International Reporters. May He send forth His angels to walk with you at all times and bring peace and prosperity to you all, as we work together to bring about a just and fair multipolar world by the grace of God.
Your brother and friend in America,
Доброе утро, Фаина Владимировна,
Если Россия — третий Рейх, то Европейский Союз — четвертый. Европейский Союз не хочет мир.
Я рад видеть, что вы по-прежнему так воинственны. Действительно, вот уже несколько месяцев у меня не было возможности прочитать вас, с того дня, как вы заблокировали мне доступ к своей странице ВКонтакте (что свидетельствует скорее о подлости, чем об интеллекте).
Я надеюсь, что вы по-прежнему здоровы и успешны в своих начинаниях. . Что касается меня, у меня всё ещё немного болит сердце из-за ножа, который вы в него вонзили, но я хочу избавить вас от всякого страха : Как говорил поэт Шарль Орлеанский : «Encore est vive la souris» (Мышь ещё жива). Ворон тоже, в данном случае.
Как я и обещал, я продолжаю молиться за вас каждый день.
Да благословит вас Бог.
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